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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami attends Chinese New Year Festival at Salahaddin University's Chinese language department

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 14 February attended a Chinese New Year Festival organized by the Chinese language department of Salahaddin University.

The festival was attended by Dr. Aram Mohammed Qadir the KRG Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Ni-Ruchi China’s Consul General, Omid Khoshnaw the Governor of Erbil, Dr. Kamaran Younis the President of Salahaddin University, and the head, lecturers, staff and students of the Chinese language department.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami on the sidelines of the festival wished the People’s Republic of China a happy new year and highlighted the importance of their nations’ bilateral relations.

He hoped that the relationship will be strengthened, and said that Salahaddin University’s Chinese language department is an important bridge and will pave the way for Kurdistan Region's youth to be better prepared for the job market and learn from China's economic and cultural success.

Dr. Hawrami presented awards to the top students of the Chinese language department.