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Parliament's Presidency convey condolences to KRG Culture and Youth Minister Hama Saeed Ali

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 11 February 2022 conveyed their condolences to Hama Saeed Ali, the KRG Minister of Culture and Youth, on the passing of his mother, Ghariba Aziz Baram. Speaker Rewaz Faiq’s message:

My dear brother Kak Hama Hama Saeed, Minister of Culture and Youth

I am saddened to learn of the passing of your dear mother, Ghariba Aziz Baram. On this sad occasion, I express my condolences to you and your family, ask God to give you patience and forbearance. May your dear mother’s soul rest in peace.

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci also conveyed their condolences to Minister Hama Saeed Ali for his loss.