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Committees’ recent meetings – 18 January 2022

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent work and meetings:

Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee

17 January - The committee met with Minister Alan Hama-Saeed, the KRG Minister of Education and his staff.

The committee chair asked the Minister and the ministry staff to give them an update on the status of the Education Bill.

Minister Hama-Saeed explained how the bill was prepared and drafted with great care over a long time and took into account the education system of several countries. He said that the bill aims to create a strong philosophical framework and to modernize the education sector.

After many questions, comments and suggestions from the MPs, the committee and the Education Ministry decided to work together on the bill.

Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee

18 January – The committee asked to meet with the Chief of the Diwan of Parliament, Ardalan Muhammad Sarspi, and his Deputy Hiwa Nasraddin, and the head of Parliament’s Protocol Awni Ali.

The committee gave their comments about the preparations made by Parliament’s Protocol department and Parliament’s branch offices, when Parliament’s standing committees visit different towns and districts.

The committee asked for better preparations and organization by the Parliament administration and the branch offices, when the standing committees conduct field visits and meet town and district authorities.

The Chief of the Diwan Mr. Sarspi and his colleagues replied to the committee’s comments and said that some of the problems are due to the limited number of employees in Parliament’s protocol, insufficient number of protocol cars and a limited budget. In addition, staff at Parliament’s branch offices need more training to improve their protocol procedures.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

18 January – The committee visited Jordan’s Consulate to meet with the new Consul General Mr. Fuad Al-Majali.

The committee wished Consul General Al-Majali success in his posting. They discussed the close historic bilateral relations between Jordan and the Kurdistan Region, and hoped that their ties can be developed further.

Consul General Al-Majali said that he looks forward to working with the committee and appreciated the historic diplomatic and political relations between their nations.

The committee and Mr. Al-Majali hoped that more efforts will be made to strengthen relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and the Jordanian Parliament, and that delegations from both sides will pay visits in order to have a better understanding of each other's political and diplomatic developments.