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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami meets with Greece's Consul General Dr. Stavros Kyrimis

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 13 January 2022 welcomed Dr. Stavros Kyrimis, Greece’s General Consul in the Kurdistan Region, and his delegation.

They discussed the Kurdistan Region migrants who tragically drowned or went missing in the Aegean Sea in the past weeks.

Dr. Hawrami expressed his deepest sympathy for the victims and asked General Consul Kyrimis to help the Kurdistan Region's authorities in the search for the remains of the victims, to know the fate of the missing, and to find solutions to this ongoing issue.

The Deputy Speaker asked Parliament’s Relations and Protocol Directorate to coordinate with Greece’s Consulate General. Consul General Kyrimis said that he welcomes cooperation on this matter.

The two sides also discussed strengthening the relationship between the Kurdistan Parliament and the Greek Parliament, exchanging information, and holding courses and seminars to share expertise and develop parliamentary capacity.

On 4 January, families of the victims drowned or missing in the Aegean Sea visited the Kurdistan Parliament and asked Parliament to help repatriate the victims’ remains and find the missing.

Participants in the meeting included Mr. Ardalan Muhammad Sarspi, the Chief of the Diwan of Parliament, and several Parliament advisers.