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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes Mir Hazim Mir Tahsin Beg, the Prince of the Yazidis

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 18 January 2022 welcomed Mir Hazim Mir Tahsin Beg, the Prince of the Yazidis in Kurdistan Region and throughout the world, together with his wife and his delegation.

Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg thanked the people and authorities of Kurdistan Region for helping the Yezidi brigades during ISIS’s attacks on Shengal and surrounding areas.

Mir Hazim said that Yazidis are proud of the Kurdistan Parliament and he asked the legislature to push for the implementation of the Shengal Agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi Federal Government, which has not yet been put into action.

Mir Hazim also called for Yazidis to be given more political and decision-making roles and for five seats to be reserved for them in the Kurdistan Parliament, which would require amendments to the election law.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami supported the demands and talked about the history of peaceful coexistence between all religions and ethnicities of Kurdistan Region. He stressed the importance of protecting the rights of Kurdistan’s component communities.

Dr. Hawrami said that in the negotiations and discussions on the formation of the next Iraqi Government, one of Kurdistan Region’s demands is that Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution be implemented.