Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami's statement on 35-year commemoration of Kak Idris Barzani's death
Thirty-five years have passed since the death of the immortal Idris Barzani, who died as a refugee and become immortal in our hearts and minds. A great leader of our people, Kak Idris devoted his entire life to defending his land and nation.
President Barzani and his brother Kak Idris Barzani together after the fall of the September Revolution revived the Kurdish struggle, keeping alive the heroic defence of our nation and restoring hope for our people and homeland.
Kak Idris paved the way for every patriot who followed. He had a pivotal role in bringing together the Kurdish political parties and forces closer together and establishing the Kurdistan Front. He was a Kurd and a patriot, a leader in politics, the Peshmerga and society.
In commemorating Kak Idris Barzani's death, we must all strive to follow his patriotic path and work harder to protect our national and constitutional achievements, and to attain greater unity, reconciliation and acceptance.
God rest the soul of the immortal Kak Idris and of all who have given their lives for the people of Kurdistan.
Dr. Hemin Hawrami
Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament
31 January 2022