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Secretary Muna Kahveci conveys best wishes to Muslims on Jezhni Qurban (Eid Al-Adha) 2022

On this Jezhni Qurban (Eid Al-Adha, the Holy Feast of the Sacrifice), I convey my best wishes to Muslims in Kurdistan and Iraq, to the Hajj pilgrims, the honourable families of martyrs and the brave Peshmerga of Kurdistan, and wish everyone joy, peace and prosperity.

I hope that this holy feast day becomes an opportunity and a catalyst for renewal, for deepening the spirit of peaceful coexistence, forging greater unity and political harmony, overcoming conflicts and disagreements, and better serving the beloved citizens of Kurdistan.

I hope that this Jezhni Qurban motivates us all to strengthen the principles of love, forgiveness, tolerance and coexistence between all the different ethnic and religious components of Kurdistan Region.

Muna Kahveci

Secretary of Kurdistan Parliament

8 July 2022