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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq conveys best wishes to Muslims on Jezhni Qurban (Eid Al-Adha) 2022

On this Jezhni Qurban (Eid Al-Adha, the Holy Feast of the Sacrifice), I convey my best wishes to Muslims in Kurdistan, Iraq and around the world.

We hope that the coming of this Eid will strengthen the spirit of forgiveness, harmony and coexistence between all nations and religious groups in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

I ask Allah to accept the pilgrimage and prayers of the pilgrims who have performed the Hajj, to bring lasting peace and stability to our country, and to bring joy and prosperity to the beloved people of Kurdistan.

Once again Happy Eid to everyone and my best wishes for peace and prosperity for all.

Dr. Rewaz Faiq

Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

8 July 2022