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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami commends Muslim cleric for doctoral thesis on history of Yazidis

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 14 June 2022 thanked Dr. Bilal Malo Pirkhal for writing the first doctoral thesis by a Muslim cleric on the Yazidis in Kurdistan and their relationship with Muslims.

Dr. Hawrami commended Dr. Bilal for contributing to protecting the culture of tolerance and peaceful coexistence in Kurdistan Region.

Dr. Bilal, the preacher of Haji Abda Mosque in Azadi neighborhood, is the first religious teacher to write his doctoral thesis on the Yazidis in Kurdistan and their relationship with Muslims.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Dr. Bilal’s thesis will help to increase understanding of the history of different faiths in Kurdistan Region.