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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes Green Party MPs from the German Parliament

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 8 June 2022 welcomed Mr. Kassem Taher Saleh and Mr. Max Lucks, Members of the German Parliament.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomed the Bundestag MPs, both from the Green Party, and said that he was proud that a Kurd from Zaxo, Kurdistan Region has been elected to the German Parliament.

Dr. Hawrami thanked the Parliament, Government and people of Germany for their nation’s assistance to the Peshmerga forces and for their participation in the international coalition against ISIS.

The Deputy Speaker emphasized that maintaining the presence of Germany’s forces in Kurdistan Region to train and assist the Peshmerga in the fight against ISIS is essential and highly appreciated by the Kurdistan Parliament.

Dr. Hawrami and the German MPs discussed human rights, women’s rights, civil liberties and the rights of the religious and ethnic component communities in Kurdistan Region. The Deputy Speaker gave an overview of the laws that Kurdistan Parliament has passed to protect rights and liberties.

They also discussed the situation and living conditions of Yazidis, and the need to implement the Sinjar Agreement so that Yazidis can return to their areas in safety and dignity.