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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq supervises Women's Rights Committee meeting on Bill on Combating Violence against Women and Families

Following a series of meetings with the relevant executive bodies in the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Judicial Council and representatives of the Region’s Presidency to hear their observations and comments on the Bill on Combating Violence Against Women and Families, on 13 June 2022 Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq supervised a meeting of the Women's Rights Committee.

Speaker Faiq, Committee chair Lanja Dizayee (KDP), members and advisers discussed the comments made at previous committee meetings on the draft of the first report on the Bill.

Ms. Dizayee thanked the Speaker, all the Presidency of Parliament, committee members and advisers for their efforts and teamwork to prepare the Bill’s first draft report.

It was decided unanimously to prepare the report the same day and submit it to Parliament’s Presidency and Legislative Committee so that it can go through the necessary legislative procedures.