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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomes Italy's Deputy Foreign Minister Marina Sereni

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 4 June 2022 welcomed Italy’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Marina Sereni. They discussed the political situation in Iraq, and the challenges to holding the next Kurdistan Parliament election.

They also discussed rights of women and of Iraq’s religious and ethnic communities, and the importance of strengthening relations between the Kurdistan Region and Italy.

Italy’s Ambassador to Iraq Bruno Antonio and the Consul in Kurdistan Region Michele Camerota attended the meeting.

Speaker Faiq thanked Deputy Foreign Minister Sereni for Italy’s assistance to the Kurdistan Region in the fight against ISIS terrorists, as part of the International Coalition against ISIS.

The Parliament Speaker gave an overview regarding civil liberties in Kurdistan Region, as well as women's rights and the rights of different religious communities.

Speaker Faiq said, "The laws passed by the Kurdistan Parliament, particularly those that protect women's rights and the rights of religious and ethnic components, are among the best laws throughout this region.”

“When different [ethnic and religious] communities in Iraq are under threat, they seek refuge in Kurdistan Region. We are proud of the peaceful coexistence that exists here in Kurdistan Region,” she added.

Speaker Faiq thanked Deputy Minister Sereni for looking into women’s positions and rights and going to a women’s shelter in Erbil during her visit, to understand their problems and needs.

Deputy Minister Sereni said that she was very glad that a women is in the leadership of Kurdistan Region’s authorities, heading a vital and influential institution.

Speaker Faiq and Deputy Foreign Minister Sereni agreed on the importance of developing closer diplomatic and political relations between Kurdistan Region and Iraq.