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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami's message on Kurdish New Year 2022 - Nawroz 2722

On the Nawroz Kurdish New Year 2722, my best wishes to all the people of Kurdistan and the children of our nation in all parts of Kurdistan and abroad.

Nawroz is the renewal of life and the beginning of a new spring. Nawroz's message is the rejection of injustice and inequality, the continuation of the struggle for justice and sovereignty. We must always learn from Nawroz’s spiritual message of hope, struggle and perseverance and strive harder for sovereignty, stability, justice and reform. Nawroz means strengthening unity, cooperation and a shared belief in achieving people's rights.

As we celebrate Nawroz this year, the Kurdistan Region and the Kurdish issue in the region face many challenges, including the political situation in Iraq, the unclear direction of political developments, attempts to undermine the Constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region and the politicized decisions of the federal court through a politicized interpretation of our constitutional status, the economic crisis and the consequences of failing to pay the Region's budget, the ongoing abnormal situation in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area and the failure to implement Article 140, and the impact on Iraq of regional powers’ conflicts as well as great power conflicts, the violation of Kurdistan Region’s and Iraq’s sovereignty by regional countries, the decreasing level of trust between political parties and the adverse impact of internal divisions, challenges to reforming all types of expenditures and revenues, particularly domestic revenue collection in some areas, creating obstacles to the legal and constitutional merits of holding the Kurdistan Parliament elections set for 10th October this year, along with many other challenges.

I hope that the spirit of Nawroz will revive our internal confidence and optimism about cooperation, that it will help to overcome narrow party political and short-term interests, and that together we can overcome obstacles and create more opportunities to defend our region, strengthen our institutions and increase trust between all sides.

As stated in UNGA Resolution 64/253 of 23 February 2010, Nawroz is an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. The Kurdistan Region wants brotherhood, mutual respect, shared interests and stability with all the countries and nations that celebrate Nawroz.

This Nawroz my best wishes go out to Kurdistan’s brave Peshmerga and their families, and the families of Kurdistan’s martyrs. May every Nawroz be filled with peace.

Dr. Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

20 March 2022