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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq speaks at NGO seminar on next Kurdistan Parliament election

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 27 March 2022 participated in a seminar on the obstacles to the Kurdistan Parliament election, prospects and solutions. The seminar was supported by the National Endowment for Democracy, a US non-profit foundation.

Speaker Faiq focused on the political and legal aspects, challenges and the disagreements between Kurdistan Region’s political parties over the election process.

The Speaker stressed that all the issues are specific to the election process and have political dimensions, and therefore compromise and agreement between the political parties and forces is needed. She cited the current deadlock in the Iraqi government formation process as the most vivid example of what could happen.

In response to participants’ questions, Speaker Faiq reminded the audience of the agreements and compromises made before Kurdistan Region’s previous elections, since the first election in 1992 until the most recent one in 2018, in which the parties reached agreements before the elections took place. Dr. Faiq said that the best choice is compromise and cooperation on how to activate the electoral commission and on amending the Election Law.