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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on first day of Eid visits Erbil elderly and teenagers’ care homes, Erbil prison

2 May 2022 - Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on the first day of Jezhni Ramadan (Eid Al-Fitr), the feast day at the end of Ramadan, visited Erbil’s elderly persons’ and teenagers’ care homes and Erbil prison to give the residents and staff his best wishes for Eid.

At Erbil’s care home for the elderly, Deputy Speaker Hawrami was welcomed by the director Mr. Sangar Jamal and staff. Dr. Hawrami gave the residents and staff his best wishes for a happy Eid and commended the care home team for their work. He was given a tour of the home.

Later, Dr. Hawrami visited the care homes for teenage girls and boys, where he was welcomed by Mr. Yousif Chawshin, the General Manager of Erbil's Directorate of Social Care and Development, together with the workers in different departments.

As well as conveying his best wishes for Eid, Dr. Hawrami thanked the managers and personnel of the different sections of the teenagers’ care homes.

The Deputy Speaker also visited Erbil prison, where he met with the Director Mr. Muqqada Hamat Abdullah.

Dr. Hawrami said that he hopes for a happy Eid for everyone in Kurdistan Region, that difficulties and disagreements can be overcome, and for greater unity between Kurdistan’s political parties.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami met with the staff of different department of the prisons directorate and commended them for their hard work.