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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomes UK Consul General Mr. David Hunt

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 11 May 2022 welcomed the UK’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Mr. David Hunt.

They discussed political developments in Iraq and Kurdistan in general, the political situation in Kurdistan Region, and the challenges to the political parties reaching an agreement on the next Kurdistan Parliament election.

Speaker Faiq and Consul General Hunt discussed the Kurdistan Election Law, how to reactivate the Kurdistan High Electoral Commission, and other important current issues in Kurdistan Region.

Dr. Faiq said, "All the national issues that have a political dimension should be resolved through mutual understanding and compromise by all of the parliamentary parties. Past experience proves that working under the principle of compromise will be positive for the political process.  The rights of all of Kurdistan's ethnic and religious components are protected by the laws in force, as well as by national agreement on their right to political representation. So it is Parliament’s responsibility to be the umbrella that brings together all the ethnic and religious communities.”

Consul General Hunt said that Kurdish unity is important for the UK and has an impact on the political process in Iraq, and on the prosperity and stability of all Iraq.