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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes Sweden’s Deputy Ambassador to Iraq Mr. Felix Bengston

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 21 November 2022 welcomed Sweden’s Deputy Head of Mission to Iraq, Mr. Felix Bengston. They discussed Kurdistan Region and Sweden’s close bilateral ties and friendship, and the political situation in Kurdistan Region, Iraq and the wider region.

Mr. Bengston is also responsible for the Swedish Embassy's Section Office in Erbil.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Mr. Bengston stressed the bond and friendship between the people of Kurdistan Region and Sweden, especially through the large Kurdish Diaspora in Sweden.

Dr. Hawrami said that Sweden is a model of successful integration and democracy, and that Kurdistan Region values their bilateral ties. On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, he thanked Sweden for its assistance to refugees and IDPs who fled the war against ISIS. 

They explored developing closer relations between the Parliaments of Kurdistan and Sweden.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami outlined Parliament's current legislative priorities, including the Labour Bill.

They also discussed the global challenge of climate change, Erbil-Baghdad talks on outstanding issues, and efforts to prepare for the next Kurdistan Parliament election.

MPs Hasiba Gardi (KDP), Janan Jabar Boya (National Union Coalition, Christian) and Dr. Muhiyaddin Nanakali (Communist Freedom Party) participated in the meeting.