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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes United States' new Consul General Irvin Hicks Jr.

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 11 October 2022 welcomed the new United States Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Mr. Irvin Hicks Jr. They discussed political developments in Iraq and Kurdistan Region, human rights and civil liberties, and bilateral ties in several areas including trade and investment.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Consul General Hicks on his appointment and wished him success.

They discussed prospects for Iraqi government formation, which has stalled for months, and the latest efforts to reach an agreement.

Dr. Hawrami outlined Kurdistan Parliament’s priorities for the coming year, which include building more consensus and unity among the political parties, the Kurdistan Region Election Law and preparations for the election, the draft Kurdistan Constitution, passing legislation that is of importance to people's daily lives and welfare such as the labour and social security bills, and reviewing the current investment law.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Consul General Hicks stressed the close friendship between the Kurdistan Region and the United States.

Consul General Hicks said that the US hopes to develop more commercial and investment relations with Kurdistan Region. They agreed on the importance of supporting and strengthening entrepreneurship and the private sector.