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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami conveys best wishes to Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union on 52nd anniversary

To the Head of the Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union and members of the executive bureau,

Please accept my best wishes on the 52nd anniversary of the Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union, and for your continued progress and success in serving the people, our nation and the holy religion of Islam.

The Islamic Scholars Union was established on 21 September 1970 in the liberated areas of Kurdistan during the Great September Revolution, under the recommendation and guidance of the leader of Kurdistan’s liberation movement, Mala Mustafa Barzani, with the aim of helping and overseeing religious scholars and organizing their work of preaching the holy religion of Islam and serving the nation.

The Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union have always been at the forefront of the national struggle. As well as teaching and explaining religious principles, they defended our homeland. Through their preaching, they encouraged people to be both true to their faith and patriotic. They were the main pillars of peaceful coexistence between different religions.

I hope that Islamic scholars will continue to fulfill their important role, by helping people to be faithful and patriotic, understand fundamental religious values, practise forgiveness and work hand-in-hand with all our different religious communities; and by encouraging young people to live together in peace, forgiveness, love and service to the nation.

My best wishes for your continued success.

Dr. Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

20 September 2022