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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami: "The September Revolution led by Mustafa Barzani proved that the people will never give up their rights”

On the anniversary of the start of the September Revolution, the revolution fought for the Kurdistani people’s existence and identity, the resistance against oppression, I convey my best wishes to the revolutionaries, freedom fighters, honourable families of martyrs and all the people of Kurdistan.

Led by Mala Mustafa Barzani, the legendary leader of Kurdistan’s Liberation Movement, the September Revolution proved that the Kurdish people and freedom fighters will never compromise on any of the people’s rights. Mustafa Barzani did not make any personal demands, he sacrificed his wealth and desires to struggle for the people’s rights.

The September Revolution was nationwide. From Zaxo to Khanaqin, the people and the Peshmerga hand in hand, from all walks of society and all faiths and sects, came together under a shared destiny. Everyone selflessly joined the ranks of the revolution to support the Peshmerga and the leadership, because they held the conviction that their destiny was in safe, unwavering, hardworking hands.

The September Revolution and every stage in the history of Kurdistan's struggle for freedom teach us the lesson that unity is strength. Whenever there has been unity and solidarity, great achievements have been made. Through the unity shown in the September Revolution, for the first time the people of Kurdistan achieved the autonomy that became the foundation for all our other achievements.

Today's achievements are an extension of the achievements of the nationwide September Revolution, and in all other stages as well, the struggle has reaffirmed it and built on it.

In recalling this great revolution, I call on all parties to unite to face the challenges, consolidate our achievements, protect Kurdistan Region’s constitutional status and secure more rights for the people of Kurdistan.

Dr. Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament

11 September 2022