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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq and NGOs in Slemani discuss challenges to civil society's work

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 3 September 2022 in Slemani met with representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Slemani and Halabja, to discuss the challenges to their work and possible solutions.

Speaker Faiq and the NGO representatives exchanged views about the general working environment for NGOs in the Kurdistan Region and how to strengthen the relationship and cooperation between the Kurdistan Parliament and NGOs.

In response to questions from the participants, Speaker Faiq said, “It is never too late for discussions. I have met with many of you before in the Kurdistan Parliament and we have discussed many issues and laws that concern civil society…we stress the need to implement the laws that concern civil society organizations’ work, civil rights and public freedoms, and we will hold on to the rights and differentiations contained in the laws."

The Speaker continued, “After consulting with civil society organizations in Slemani, we are preparing to meet with NGOs in Erbil and Duhok to compile information - as outlined in [Parliament’s] Culture and Civil Society Committee’s report on this issue - for a comprehensive report on the challenges and obstacles facing NGOs, and we will try to arrange a suitable meeting with the participation of the relevant government authorities.”