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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq receives France’s Consul General Mr. Olivier Decottignies

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 19 September 2022 received France’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region Mr. Olivier Decottignies, to discuss political development’s and Parliament’s current priorities.

Speaker Faiq briefed Consul General Decottignies on the political situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region generally and she stressed the importance of achieving unity among Kurdistan’s political parties in Baghdad, in particular to protect Kurdistan Region’s political status and its constitutional rights and position.

The Parliament Speaker gave an overview of Kurdistan Parliament’s upcoming business. Dr. Faiq said, “For the next sittings, Parliament’s work priorities are deliberations on and the passage of an Education Law and a Labour Law. And we hope that as soon as possible political agreements will be reached on reactivating [the mandate of] the Electoral Commission and on amending the Election Law.”

Consul General Decottignies said, “We believe that the Kurdish parties should go to Baghdad united and be a factor for achieving stability in Iraq.”

He added, “We are looking at the labour and education bills with interest.”