Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes French Parliament delegation led by Senate Vice President Mr. Pierre Laurent

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 30 March 2023 welcomed a high-level French Parliament cross-party delegation led by Mr. Pierre Laurent, Vice President of the French Senate.
The delegation comprised Vice President Laurent, Senator Laurence Cohen and MP Marie Pochon, who were accompanied by France’s Consul General Mr. Olivier Decottignies.
Deputy Speaker Hawrami appreciated France’s great friendship with the people of Kurdistan through good and bad times, and the crucial role of the late Madame Danielle Mitterand in the early years of Kurdistan Region’s institutions.
Dr. Hawrami and the French Parliament delegation discussed Kurdistan Parliament’s government coalition and opposition parties and the MPs representing the component communities. They also discussed Kurdistan Parliament’s areas of legislative authority, and the laws passed in the current term to improve the economy and public welfare.
The conversation covered education, health, the environment, women’s empowerment, water and energy. Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Iraq would benefit from passing an oil and gas law. He said, “A comprehensive federal law should be passed on this issue, which was one of the important points of the agreement to form the new Iraqi cabinet, so that the issues can be resolved through dialogue and the Constitution."
The living conditions and situation of Syrian refugees and Iraqi IDPs who have found safety and sanctuary in the Kurdistan Region was also discussed.
The Deputy Speake also spoke about the need to hold the next Kurdistan Parliament elections on time, before the legal deadline of end-2023.