On 35th anniversary of Halabja chemical bombing, Parliament's Presidency thanks Iraqi Council of Ministers for approving bill on Halabja's governorate status

On the 35th anniversary of the chemical attack on Halabja, we honour the victims of this painful tragedy and pray for their immortal souls.
Sadly every year throughout this spring season of renewal, people's joy is mingled with the painful remembrance of chemical bombardments and other crimes aimed at destroying Kurdistan’s life and environment, and attempts to eradicate and commit genocide against the peaceful and life-loving Kurdish people.
This year’s commemoration coincides with the Iraqi Council of Minister’s approval of the bill give Halabja governorate status and the bill’s submission to the Iraqi Council of Representatives.
With our strong belief in the Kurdistani and Iraqi people’s victorious will to overcome the dictatorship and the most brutal regime of the century, we congratulate Halabjans and thank the Iraqi Council of Ministers for their decision and for carrying out the procedures for Halabja’s governorateship. We ask the Presidency of the Iraqi House of Representatives and all the parliament blocks to fulfill their legislative responsibility by approving this bill, and to pass a law to recognize the genocide against the people of Kurdistan in which the rights of the victims’ families are upheld so that reparations are made for their material, physical and mental damages and psychological trauma.
As we remember the tragic consequences of the attack, this year we hope that a small part of the suffering of Halabjans and all the people of Kurdistan will be alleviated, and that hope for the city’s future will return.
At the same time, the Kurdistan Regional Government should do everything in its power to further rebuild Halabja and its environs.
We bow our heads in prayer and remembrance of the victims of the chemical attack on Halabja.
Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament
16 March 2023