Statement by Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament is committed to implementing the Law on the Extension of the Fifth Term of the Kurdistan Parliament, Law No. 12 of 2022, and to creating the political and legal framework for holding the election for the sixth term of Parliament on time.
For this purpose, as well as fully supporting the political parties’ negotiation process, we welcome the progress made on the procedures and technicalities of preparing a joint draft of amendments to the Election Law. We announce that in terms of the legal groundwork, all the legislative proposals that were previously submitted by the parliamentary parties have been directed to Parliament’s Legislative Committee to start the practical legislative measures and find a national compromise between the parliamentary parties. In this regard, the Kurdistan Parliament will hold an ordinary sitting on Wednesday 15th March 2023 to form a committee on the reactivation of the Election Commission.
Therefore we call on all the parties and the Parliament blocs to reach a common understanding in order to accelerate the process of preparing for the election this year.
Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament
13 March 2023