Additional item on the Order of Business of the Parliament sitting of 22 May 2023

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament informed all of the Members of the Parliament in a written statement that a third item has been added to the order of business (agenda) of the fourth ordinary sitting on Monday, 22nd May 2023. The written statement is the following:
To all Honourable Members of the Kurdistan Parliament,
Subject: Statement
Per the provisions of Article 48 (paragraph 4) of Kurdistan Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure, the Presidency of Parliament has decided to add a third item to the order of business (agenda) of the fourth ordinary sitting on Monday, 22nd May 2023, as follows:
3) Renewal of the mandate of the Council of Commissioners for a period of five calendar years, starting from the date of expiration of the Council’s first term on 23 December 2019, and voting on the candidates for membership of the Council of Commissioners, per Article 5 (paragraph 1, first point) of the Law on the Kurdistan High Election and Referenda Commission, Law No. 4 of 2014.